Saturday, June 21, 2014

Tim's June Tags

Well we managed to do a get together and get our June tags done.. felt really good to get some of the group together and get inky.. Thanks to Debbie for the pictures since I forgot my camera..

Top Left  Julies   Top Right Debbie
Bottom Left Barb  Bottom Right Janet


Discovered don't have one of Barb's will have to get and add..

Be sure to stop by Tim's Blog and see all the fun tags..
Till next time..
Thanks for stopping by .. we all love to hear what you think..
Take Care 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Julies Birthday Card

Last Monday was Julies birthday.. so  Wed. night the crafty girls did a wing night at the local pub to celibate Julies 60th.. We had eleven of us show up.. it was a good night out.. (Pub doesn't make much money from us cause none of us drink)

I thought for a bit that I had forgotten to take a picture of her card but found it on the camera this morning..
Don't you just hate when you forget to take pictures before cards go out..

 I had done the stamping and distressing awhile ago on this one .. so just had to put it together. quite pleased with how it turned out..

Take care and Thank you for stopping by..

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Happy Birthday Lily-Ann..

My granddaughter turned 5 today.. I can't believe how fast time has pasted.. You will have so much fun today at your party today..

This is the card I made for her and it got there in time.. That's one  for Canada Post.. (Usually they get there late)

I have been saving this paper for some time and it just called to me for this card.. a few added brads .. lots of glossy accents.. and flowers..

Thanks for stopping by..

Take Care 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Happy Birthday Dave

Dave's birthday was on Monday and of coarse I am late posting it..

Hope you have a great day..

Yes I know it is a little blurry on the one side.. got something on the lens.. and of coarse the card was off and in the mail before I down loaded the pictures...

Thanks for stopping by.. Have another card to put up soon for another special birthday..

Take care ..